


This macro synchronizes a pulse in the source clock domain to the destination clock domain. A
pulse of any size in the source clock domain, if initiated correctly, will generate a pulse the size of
a single destination clock period。(不管源端脉宽多宽,都将产生脉冲信号,这个脉冲信号只有一个目的时钟节宽度)

// xpm_cdc_single: Single-bit Synchronizer
// Xilinx Parameterized Macro, version 2019.1
xpm_cdc_single #(
.DEST_SYNC_FF(4), // DECIMAL; range: 2-10
.INIT_SYNC_FF(0), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation init values, 1=enable simulation init values
.SIM_ASSERT_CHK(0), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation messages, 1=enable simulation messages
.SRC_INPUT_REG(1) // DECIMAL; 0=do not register input, 1=register input
xpm_cdc_single_inst (
.dest_out(dest_out), // 1-bit output: src_in synchronized to the destination clock domain. This output is
// registered.
.dest_clk(dest_clk), // 1-bit input: Clock signal for the destination clock domain.
.src_clk(src_clk), // 1-bit input: optional; required when SRC_INPUT_REG = 1
.src_in(src_in) // 1-bit input: Input signal to be synchronized to dest_clk domain.
// End of xpm_cdc_single_inst instantiation

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