int Status;
u32 Btn_val;
/* Initialize the GPIO driver */
Status = XGpio_Initialize(&Gpio, XPAR_AXI_GPIO_0_DEVICE_ID);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
xil_printf("Gpio Initialization Failed\r\n");
/* Set the direction for all signals as inputs or output ,Bits set to 0 are output and bits set to 1 are input.*/
XGpio_SetDataDirection(&Gpio, BTN_CHANNEL, 1);
XGpio_SetDataDirection(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, 0);
/* Write to discretes register for the specified GPIO channel */
/*Read state of discretes for the specified GPIO channnel.*/
Btn_val=XGpio_DiscreteRead(&Gpio, BTN_CHANNEL);
//test Btn_val
XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, 0x0);
XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, 0xf);
// Initialize OV5640 regesiter
//Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x030), 0x108B);// enable circular mode
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x030), 0x108B);// enable circular mode
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x0AC), VIDEO_BASEADDR0); // start address
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x0B0), VIDEO_BASEADDR1); // start address
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x0B4), VIDEO_BASEADDR2); // start address
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x0A8), (H_STRIDE*3)); // h offset (H_STRIDE* 3) bytes
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x0A4), (H_ACTIVE*3)); // h size (H_ACTIVE * 3) bytes
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x0A0), V_ACTIVE); // v size (V_ACTIVE)
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x000), 0x8B); // enable circular mode
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x05c), VIDEO_BASEADDR0); // start address
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x060), VIDEO_BASEADDR1); // start address
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x064), VIDEO_BASEADDR2); // start address
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x058), (H_STRIDE*3)); // h offset (H_STRIDE * 3) bytes
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x054), (H_ACTIVE*3)); // h size (H_ACTIVE * 3) bytes
Xil_Out32((VDMA_BASEADDR + 0x050), V_ACTIVE); // v size (V_ACTIVE)