Terminal ready
UCOS - uC/OS Init Started.
UCOS - STDIN/STDOUT Device Initialized.
UCOS - Initializing uC/FS.
UCOS - uC/FS initialization successful.
UCOS - Initializing uC/USB-Host.
UCOS - UCOS init done
UCOS - Total configured heap size. 81521
UCOS - Total used size after init. 9652
Hello world from the main task
... Initiliazing HOST Mass Storage class ...
UCOS - Starting uC/USB-Host.
MSC Demo: Device with unit #0 connected
Writing 'msc:x:\MSPrint.txt' to USB drive...OK
Reading 'msc:x:\MSPrint.txt' from USB drive...OK
Comparing original data and data read from USB drive... Passed
Periodic output every 10 seconds from the main task
Periodic output every 10 seconds from the main task
Periodic output every 10 seconds from the main task
mz7xa uart debug 输出缺了蓝色的4句话,其他和上面一样,
MSC Demo: Device with unit #0 connected
Writing 'msc:x:\MSPrint.txt' to USB drive...OK
Reading 'msc:x:\MSPrint.txt' from USB drive...OK
Comparing original data and data read from USB drive... Passed
感觉 usb vbus 没有供电 -- 我有一个usb器件带电源指示灯,所以知道有没有 vbus +5v 输出)